Join The Pigskin Club!
We invite you to join one of the oldest and most progressive organization dedicated to the advancement of youth sports in the United States of America.
For over eighty-one years, we have recognized and honored high school student athletes, and coaches on all levels of competition, as well as outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions in the business and civic arenas.
As a member you will be invited to participate in social events throughout the year with other Pigskin Club members including:
- The Annual Fall Awards Banquet
- The Annual Spring Awards Luncheon
- Membership events and other social functions
MAKE A DIFFERENCE - Become a member of The Pigskin Club of Washington, Inc.
2. Select application fee from the card below and submit it.
3. Once your membership application is received you will be contacted by a Membership Committee staff to confirm receipt of your application and your membership. We will then keep you up-to-date on upcoming club meetings, events and opportunities.